Started by andy vomit, July 12, 2013, 05:35:29 PM

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andy vomit

CORPUSCLE - Integration Powder C40
The final release from this confrontational Boston-area power electronics act. With up to as many as three vocalists at one time, this is harsh, violent, and, at times, almost absurd power electronics.  Tthe whole thing has the stench of bourbon, white powder and bad decisions.  You will feel a sense of discomfort and violation once this is over.  Features a collaboration with THE VOMIT ARSONIST.  50 copies.   Sample: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/1/9/2718706/CORPUSCLE_WEB.mp3

SKIN GRAFT - Drenched C40
Soul crushing and utterly terrifying harsh noise.  Gut wrenching bass throbs and eerie violin screeches underneath crumbling walls of static and feedback.  A 40 minute claustrophobic nightmare.  Wyatt howland can do no wrong.  100% essential for fans of the project and harsh noise in general.  Features collaborations with Stephen Petrus and Michael Collino.  50 copies. 
Sample: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/1/9/2718706/SKNGRFT_WEB.mp3

N. / :m: - Philosophy in the Morgue C24
Italian legend N. teams up with relative newcomer :m: for 24 minutes of unnerving, cold and harsh death industrial.  This sounds like a Slaughter Productions tape that fell through the cracks and was never released.  A fitting tribute to the masters of Italian death industrial.  50 copies.
N. Sample: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/1/9/2718706/N_WEB.mp3
:m: Sample: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/1/9/2718706/M_WEB.mp3

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paypal: thevomitarsonist [at] gmail [dot] com