NS Ninja & NS Vampire

Started by Vega360, February 04, 2014, 09:42:07 PM

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Okay these are new releases from NS Ninja & the continuation "NS Vampire" on tapes and CD-rs.

I still also have copies of the first NS Ninja demos in stock still. Mixing breakcore with noise some people have called these demos masterpieces and other people think they're the most annoying music in the world. The blended themes of Pre-Aryanist mythology with Japanese pornography/anime. These are also for some reason (that I fail to understand) the most controversial release I've ever distributed. Blacklisted by the left and rejected by the right these demos are the pinnacle of the bizarre.

Demo One: Nazi Hentai GoGo Five - Discogs
Demo Two: Dance Attack 88! - Discogs
Demo Three: Skull & Bones Sentai Partol Discogs

Sample Track from one of these demos

The CDr is unlimited but I only have about 8 of each demo left from the original run.

Solace067 - Vinland Special Services/NS Ninja - "Occupy NSBM" (Reissue) Discogs

People were asking for a reissue of this with the artwork intact for the NS Ninja portion so I did that. There is also a CDr version too on the same label. The NS Ninja tracks are a progression somewhat of the demos and they do an Aryan Kampf 88 cover with a computer vocalist. The VSS tracks are minimal music/noise and are not a current reflection of the bands sound (which has evolved considerably since then) or lyrical concepts.

NS Ninja Sample
Vinland Special Services

Solace162 - NS Vampire "Fuck The Menstrual Police" Discogs

I rebooted the NS Ninja project with the help of another person. Musically this is the progression of this sound, mixing in Noise & Breakcore with an influence in Grindcore and old American Death Metal. Tape cover is made from a manga for the anime Hellsing.

Sample promotional track

Despite the names of the bands none of the music here is attempting to promote Nazism. I understand still though that the names of these bands might be offensive to some and those persons are just encouraged to not buy this.


Full website relaunch this weekend.