Two titles will be available from Monday:
SSRI - Vasoconstriction
A really good work from one of the best noise artists from Finland, PekkaPT! Nice lo-fi industrial sound, some rhythmic stuff, and rumbling noise electronics. Overrally a great release. Profesionally duplicated, C30 tapes. Unlimited edition.
Sample: 5 EUR
Halalnihil - Antiszex
Wall-of-noise metal junk / steel chain madness, with some vocals thrown into the mix, but it's a noise centric one. Constant, non-stop bashing of objects, acoustic oppression! Handnumbered edition of 50 copies. Due the unprinted CDr,the price will be lower, than other CD materials.
Sample: 3 EUR
Write to preorder copy:
hnhn000000@gmail.comNext stuffs in April:
Halalnihil - 'Male Child In A Gloryhole Booth / Kinky Wheelchair Fantasy' C12 tape
Áspa - Instinct & Isolation C20 tape