Negative Papers

Started by tedsweeney, April 27, 2014, 01:35:45 AM

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"I give the name violence to a boldness lying idle and enamored of danger. It can be seen in a look, a walk, a smile, and it is in you that it creates an eddying. It unnerves you. This violence is a calm that disturbs you." - Jean Genet
"There's a difference between violence and senseless violence" - DMX

Negative Papers is a graphic disquisition told in 38 black and white collages by Chicago-based artists Ted Sweeney and Omar Gonzalez. With a passive gaze the works typically confront, agitate, or even upset the viewer, yet a more abstruse logic is clearly behind what those may dismiss as a degenerate chapbook for juvenile perverts. These pages of broken bodies eroticizing morbidity, compiled from libraries of pornography and exploitation, quickly begin to abstract.

How many sands does it take for you to call it a beach? How many tragedies before they're statistics? With the release of Negative Papers Sweeney and Gonzalez force their audience into mereological ennui via bruised cocks and tear-stained cheeks.