Final SKY BURIAL release 'A Revised History Of Dreaming'

Started by SKY BURIAL, April 19, 2014, 03:44:37 PM

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The end is nigh......

The final SKY BURIAL release: 'A Revised History Of Dreaming'

This final release will be a double disc with beautiful artwork by Abre Ojos. The first disc contains two tracks of the most minimal drone/ambient SB has recorded. The first track on disc two (featuring additional electronics by Jóhann Eiriksson of Gjöll & Reptilicus) further develops upon the direction of recent SB discs while the second track enters more experimental territory than previous releases. Release date is set at June 21 but will most likely ship late May/early June.

I've never been a big fan of pre-orders but I am offer some generous pre-order packages for this release (2x pro cdr). All prices include shipping:

A.R.H.O.D. 2x disc: $10 US/$18 world

A.R.H.O.D. 2x disc + SB t-shirt $16 US/$26 world

A.R.H.O.D. 2x disc + SB shirt + another SB disc of my choice: $20 US/$32 world

Email with inquiries.

Samples from disc II:

Sometimes it's best to know when to call it a day and I'm quite pleased with this final group of eclectic compositions.