Started by vargrwulf, April 20, 2014, 10:06:52 AM

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Tissa Mawartyassari c20
Recording of this long-standing Texas wall noise project culled from her recent live performances. Harsh and blistering electronics. Shock treatment for those looking for something new.

Black Hope - Menstrual Hope c20
Brand new recording from this minimal electronic project. Recorded during the aftermath of the blood moon. Blurred and obfuscated magnetic pulses from the spaces between.

samples- Tissa Mawartyassari 1:13 / Black Hope 1:13

currently available:

Black Hope - Menstrual Hope c20
Peiiste - Jealous Is The Name Of God c20
Reptilian Sexual Predator + RU-486 - Presidio Debris 2cs20
Tissa Mawartyassari c20
Vargrwulf - Live Trash c20

single c20 = $8.00 postage paid USA / $16.00 postage paid worldwide
double c20 = $14.00 postage paid USA / $22.00 postage paid worldwide

get all 5 items for $44.00 postage paid USA / $66.00 postage paid worldwide

harshhumanignorance@gmail.com for payments or inquiries

Thank you.


Thanks for the orders so far. All of these releases are still available and will continue to be for the forseeable future. Be sure to check ANALOG WORSHIP and RRRECORDS for copies of VULNAVIA EDITIONS items as well.
Queries, feedback, and other contact can be directed to harshhumanignorance@gmail.com