Winter Solace Productions (Industrial, Black Metal, Electronic, Avant-Garde)

Started by Vega360, November 01, 2014, 02:56:37 PM

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November 1st 2014


Solace173 - Astral Legions/Aryan Assault "Siege: A New Platform"

Astral Legions is discussed below, however please know that the music on this tape is a wonderful continuation of their sound. Aryan Assault is back to cap off a very active year for them. Blasting Industrial/Digital hatecore music, that is once again explicit and a fist in the face of political correctness.

Sample tracks.

Astral Legions - Blood Superiority
Aryan Assault - You Gave Up Your Existence

Solace174 - Astral Legions ‎"Völkisch Weltanschauung Radicalism"

Astral Legions are a relatively new black metal band from Texas. Some may remember the split tape they made with Aryan Werewolf (and how it sold out from the Winter Solace mail order in a weeks time span) entitled anti-Semitic poetry. Winter Solace is proud to release a compilation tape of this band entitled "Volkisch Weltanschauung Radicalism" featuring the tracks from that split and ones from another split we never had in stock.

Unlike many artists in the NSBM medium Astral Legions puts production and composition over image spewing out something wrought from actual intelligence, thus earning them a home in the eccentric Winter Solace entourage. Devoid of the "I wanna be European" cos-play common among many American NS acts, this is a long overdue return to the true spirit of US black metal for the almost non-existent right wing cult of USBM.

Sample track: Ethnic Cleansing

Solace179 - The Shit Unkulunkulu "Mandela Shit Yami"

Instrumental music is often misunderstood in all of this. TSU is a new project from our industrial division, this one featuring members of popular Italian NSBM band Via Dolorosa playing improvised instrumental music with a dominant ambient/synth role and an almost Krautrock lean. Over a half hour of smooth electronic jams.

Sample exerp from the track: Abafana Uxolo...Wena Upapa?

Solace189 - Nationalistic Marshal "Nationalistic Pride"

Strange sounding Italian Fascist black metal. This is the first demo for this very young new band that I expect will accomplish great things in the Italian scene someday. The unique guitar tone/improv jam with the drum machine combo yields a very peculiar result, gloomy NSBM without the gloomy atmosphere?

Sample track: Nationalistic Pride

Solace190 - NS Ninja "Keep Facebook White!"

The return at long last of this project. NS Techno Propaganda with the same computer vocal software used in Japan to program the hologram Jpop stars. A progression from the first 3 demos from random sound collages to something with a very specific purpose.

Sample track: Intro Track (w/Strike Force 28 )


Officially Distributed/Other labels

Sava Savanovic "NS Techno Serbia!"

As the title says this tape is NS techno with a Serbian Nationalist theme, released by a different label which I am just distributing this for. Sava Savanovic is a village in the Balkins where the first Vampires are reported to have come from, the artist also openly claims to himself be a vampire and something about a pilgrimage to the Nile River in Egypt.. In the insert of the tape the band preaches about ancient Egyptian Mysticism, Atleantean Occultism, Esoteric UFO-logy and of course the NS techno lifestyle. Also included is an official release of the song Slavic Bloodlust which was originally released on bootleg cassette by the Thule Society.

Sample exerp from the track: NS Techno Serbia!

Cosmic Weapon of Thule "Aryan Unity"

This is an exerp from the hour long Cosmic Weapon of Thule song "Aryan Unity" released on tape by the Lunar Heathen Front. The tape insert is some kind of document written by the CWoT guy where he outlines more about this "NS Techno" religion. He discusses an alternative theory on how earth was created, a new origin story for the country of South Sudan, Cannibalism, the division of humans into Male and Female genders, people being able to transform into "Disc Objects", more about the spiritual racewar and the price of enlightenment upon the human spirit. As with all other CWoT releases, this music is simply not of earthly origin.

Audio Sample


Some other stuff should be out in 2 to 3 weeks. Orders places between the 5th and 9th of November will experience some delay as I will be away. The discogs store will also be closed during this time.

The sale of Thule Society titles has been banned by, supression of free speech at it's finest.

Here is a list of the banned titles. All of these will probably attain kvlt status among idiots who've never listened to them now.

Thule-One - Racewar1488! "Keep Estonia White!" - (Out of print)
Thule-Three - Racewar1488!/Esti Synagogue Destruction - (Out of Print, ESD tracks no longer considered official)
Thule-Five - NaziSSexNoise ‎"Come Aryan Rape Incest Before Race Mixing" - (Out of print)
Thule-Six - Protocols "Demo 1" - (Out of print, one reissue affirms bands non-political stance)
Thule-Ten - Cosmic Weapon Of Thule "Kugelblitz" - (In print, however I highly doubt science fiction can be taken as offensive)
Thule-Twelve - Protocols/Divine Electron (split with long title) - (Out of print, one reissue affirms bands non-political stance)
Solace116/Thule-Twenty-Three - Racewar1448!/Lebensborn "Keep Estonia & Belaurs White!!!" (Out of print)

Solace116/Thule-Twenty-Three - Racewar1448!/Lebensborn "Keep Estonia & Belaurs White!!!" (Out of print)

Winter Solace titles

Solace101 - Rodna Zashtita/Aryan Kommando 88/Nachtkrieger "Day of the National Socialist Uprising"
Solace131 - Aryan Assault/1389 "The Rise Of Aryan Defiance"
Solace155 - Aryan Assault "American Hate Front"

- Some out of print titles have been banned as well. I will make a complete list eventually.

Distro credit will be offered to anyone who can provide authentic information about what specifically instigated this.


A mixcloud page for Winter Solace productions has been created that will allow for streaming of various WS releated titles. You can't download from there and I don't think I can make money from there, however it will allow for streaming of various Winter Solace related music. Until there is better security for bandcamp there will be no paid download options, so if people need that they will have to purchase the physical editions.

Winter Solace Mixcloud


Metal Tapes

Astral Legions/Aryan Assault "Siege: A New Platform"
Astral Legions ‎"Völkisch Weltanschauung Radicalism"
Nationalistic Marshal "Nationalistic Pride"

Non metal tapes

Cosmic Weapon of Thule "Aryan Unity" (Electronic/Experimental)
NS Ninja "Keep Facebook White!" (Electronic/Experimental)
Sava Savanovic "NS Techno Serbia!" (NS Techno/Computer Samba)
The Shit Unkulunkulu "Mandela Shit Yami" (Ambient/Jam Rock/Industrial)