Masahide Sakuma - Lisa 1984 - I'm no authority with Current 93, so I shouldn't be saying this, but a lot of this plays like how I imagine your standard Current 93 album goes - this is patient, sort of dark and folky, electronics, and atmosphere, but without vocals; sometimes goes off the rails in a soundtracky way that teeters between an uneasy deviant vibe and poppy; also sometimes plays into the medieval - a little uneven, but good nonetheless.
*one of you Current 93 aficionados want to give this one a try and let me know if I'm completely off base or what? It's on youtube.
Ghédalia Tazartès - Tazartès' Transports 1980 - one of his first albums - I don't know why, but I always thought he was dada punk, but I don't think that's accurate - google defines dadaism as "irreverence, subversion, and nonsense", which feels right on the nose for this - goofy, spazzy vocal manipulations and jokester electro-acoustic+tape manipulations - I know there are some diehard fans of this guy, and while I do sort of find him interesting, and even good here and there, I don't have great tolerance for the antics...exhausting (which is very likely his intention) - possibly a religious element/commentary to it too? - I'd like to hear Steven Stapleton rework something like this.