ICR11: Midwich - The Swift

Started by Caisson, May 19, 2015, 11:23:48 PM

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ICR11: Midwich - The Swift

The Swift is a one hour long piece, split into two parts to accommodate the format. We begin with a slow, throbbing electronic pulse that increases in intensity while still never quite pushing our backs against the wall. It's gentle repetition lets us gaze dreamily into the distance as our minds wander. This pulsating drone is joined by beautifully minimal field recordings to give us a slight sense of place but with enough freedom to create our own mental landscapes filled with swarms of birds, a gentle breeze and kitchen sink ambiance. Close your eyes and become fixated on the elegance of flight. Truly mind blowing work from Rob Hayler's Midwich project.

Originally released through Altar Of Waste Records as a CD-r in a limited edition of 15.

Hand dubbed C65 cassette.
Black and white double sided artwork.
Limited to 40 copies.




Still available
ICR03: Death Register - Phonaesthesia (Single Sided C90) Dense, minimal textures and analogue hiss. *last 5 copies
ICR04: The Will Of Nin Girima - Two Cycles of Incantation (C70) Heavy industrial drone from Mexico.
ICR06: people-eaters - The Only Thing Left To Fear (C50) Eerie atmospheres swathed in hiss & crackle. *last 6 copies
ICR07: Culver - The Abductress (C50) Northern Void Exploration
ICR08: Saturn Form Essence - Stratospheric Tower (C90) Analogue drones in the deep space void.
ICR09: Roadside Picnic - Watership Drowned (C90) Electonic manipulation & childhood nostalgia.
ICR10: Philipp Bückle - Drawings (C50) Minimalistic textures and subdued atmospheres.