NO RENT RECORDS 008 - Headband "The Mask" c-28

Started by Crumer, August 13, 2015, 07:25:47 PM

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The first release in a long series of new No Rent cassettes that wasn't from myself or Relay For Death came out Tuesday.

No Rent Records was formed in Oakland by Relay and myself, to make money and avoid an electricity cut off. (release was Walk With Me Live c-30, by yrs truly). From then it continued as a semi label / half ass vehicle to release weird things we didn't want to compromise on or wait for someone to produce. My favorite early No Rents are the Relay For Death demo, Crumer record pressed on a puzzle and the Reverse Baptism demo.

Anyway. Over the last year I decided to make it a 'real' label (as much as that can apply to an entity releasing noise). Because everything in music is expensive except for the musician I decided to keep prices higher than average, and give the artist a larger cut of their work than most / any labels. I'm just happier when doing something like this. Successfully ran a noise label in the late 90's (Sacred Noise!!) that put out mostly ambient music, stopped after moving a million times but worked while i was doing it. In this spirit amassed a great pile of confirmations, in hopes of keeping busy for a while.

Tuesday I released the first "out of house" NO RENT tape. Headband's "The Mask" (it rules, compares favorably to Joseph Hammer and possibly Halfler Trio but remains unique). The next three to be released in quick succession are FFH, Gene Pick and Network Glass. From there a mountain of releases including Sapphogeist, Damion Romero, Relay For Death, Dromez, Anemone Tube, Mecca, Sixes, Gerritt and ++++ more are to follow.

Anyway, check it out, there's not a ton to look at now but it should grow fast and already offers plenty of ways to interact without the internet being involved (free flyers for each release, noise hotline to call and hear the sounds)

Get er done