As we descend into a world populated by people enslaved to consume more depravity in front of computers people forget to dwell upon the spirit. People have written to us claiming that we have invented the music genre of "NS Techno" and seek to integrate their projects into our spiritual resistance movement. We welcome this correspondence and per the requests of such persons we have now decided to press our opus "NS Techno" upon a pro CD so that more persons can be exposed to our Atlantist religion. There are people out there who claim to be the true elite, yet they deny the spirit, embrace the racism that was invented in Israel and claim they are the same as us. We will lie to them, we will take there money and we may stand beside them on certain issues, but we are above time and not against it so thus we are not the same, we are beyond politics. Our ideals are what make us superior, we are the Rastafarai from the bizarre world, the delusional terrormachine, the reincarnations of Mahavatar Babaji, the children of Savitri Devi however when we look down into this world from our pedestal above time we can fall down, and thus we must remain in constant control of our actions.
Electronic Propaganda for the Spiritual Elite. purchase
If you are forigen distributor or web promotion write to this label for possible collaboration.