People out in the world do not understand what it is politically we seek to do, this can be forgiven as our motives are complex. We have decided however that the time to make the work understand who we are is now, they will call us anarchists when they do not understand us and nazi's when they want us to stop talking. The Lunar Heathen Front is not a movement of Fascism, Physical Racism or Extremism. We are the only real anti-fascist action, as that term like the concept of Anarchism has become corrupt and stolen by the left. People of small mind "Do What Thou Wilt" in regards to Anarchism and reject authority or seek to implement their own authority under the zion communism. We seek only spiritual purity.
The Tropicália movement was started in Brazil during the 60's. We seek to create the right wing answer to that with own our spiritual cannibal manifesto. Discussed in depth is Latin American politics, how puppet governments are instituted in a mass worldwide conspiracy and the supposed "Positive Christianity" within Nazism. We walk alone on our path as there exist none to follow us, these words here are all true and none shall be prepared for the knowledge we give to the world.
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