Tordon Ljud: Cog: Null and O.V. tapes

Started by TordonLjud, March 08, 2017, 07:48:09 PM

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Second tape for Cog: Null on Tordon Ljud after "Verklighetens Folk" in 2014. This time Cog: Null provides us with several shorter and more dynamic harsh noise tracks themed around something that ceases to exist and provides space for something new.

O.V. is a new Swedish project and "Uppe Med Tuppen" is focused on agrarian occurrences. From the difficulties of dragging yourself up at dawn to the tranquility after a long day on the field. for pictures, sound clips and more.

Wholesale is a possbility, as well as limited trading.

Order via the website or get in touch via e-mail: tordonljuddistro A T live D O T com

Thanks for reading!