PhD help - Scandinavian Noise Scenes

Started by legionofswine, June 06, 2017, 11:27:28 AM

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Hello all. I've recently started a PhD looking at Scandinavian Noise Scenes and their ethnography. I'm currently based in Karlstad in Sweden until early September and am looking for noise artists to talk to/interview/(potentially)collaborate with, etc based in the following cities - Århus, Copenhagen, Oslo, Trondheim, Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm. You don't have to be Scandinavian, just be based in those cities and you are a noise artist.

I've only just found this website, so I've not yet done a search on who is on here, so please nudge me towards the appropriate people - thanks a lot.

Dave Procter aka Legion of Swine


Hello again. I'm trying to track down noise folk for Gothenburg and wondered if anyone on here has played there, or has any contacts for people who were involved in running Utmarken?




Don't forget Sundsvall you silly goose.



What is the point of study if you don't know few startingpoints?
I am not from "scandinavia" per se, but just to comment on pointlessness of Another academic study on noise.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


It could be argued that using this forum is a starting point?

Legion of Swine is not just some academic with a passing interest in Noise, but an active artist in the UK.  I know this without even much personal experience of the guy behind it.  I'd gather this PhD - and the focus on Scandinavia - is a simply step in a different direction in focus and he is hardly to be blamed for not simply knowing all the right people to talk to straight off the bat.  A PhD takes a long time to finish and all kinds of research methods based on tracking down relevant information.  This will be just one of them.  Is it really necessary to browbeat this effort after a couple of simple and polite calls for information?


Quote from: Duncan on June 08, 2017, 02:28:25 AM
It could be argued that using this forum is a starting point?

Don't know, but i don't think this is the right method, neither one would bring results. What i would do if i didn't know anything is to search the web for the subject of interest, then try to find people involved by their pages, blogs, social media and ask them if they want to help me with infos, stories, other contacts, whatever. I mean the right method is you to find them -which in this case it's not something difficult- , not them to find you, like this open call pretty much asks.
"ἀθάνατοι θνητοί, θνητοὶ ἀθάνατοι, ζῶντες τὸν ἐκείνων θάνατον, τὸν δὲ ἐκείνων βίον τεθνεῶτες"


Thanks to all for your comments. Of course, posting on this forum is not the only route I am taking to try and make contact with people. But given the lack of information online for venues that have disappeared that were fundamental to noise in eg Gothenburg, then I will try all available ways of trying to make contact. People may think that another academic study into noise is pointless, and that is their opinion. I don't, which is why I'm doing a PhD in it :-)



Quote from: HONOR_IS_KING! on June 07, 2017, 07:17:46 PM
Don't forget Sundsvall you silly goose.

Tell me more please. I am interested in noise scenes outside the cities I have named, but those cities are my main focus. But tell me more about Sundsvall's noise scene....




I merged topics into one.

Utmarken guys are easy to reach. Check label or release called Utmarken, and then look who's in.

If Matthias or Dan doesn't want to get involved, then probably one can't really gather the first hand information.
The thing why I ask, is that not sure if questions are meant to sound like someone doesn't know where to even start, but information is so easily available, it makes me question level of the research in first place. Although, I know this is not the only route that has been used to approach people.

Nevertheless, I'd recommend to ask the "prime motors" first. If they are not willing to be in, it's quite pointless to go further with just few who may have not been involved in doing things too much.
Printed in April 2017.
Dedicated entirely to Utmarken, a combined venue/record shop/recording and
rehearsal space that existed in Gothenburg between 2008 and 2011.
Some words but mainly a photo documentation.
40 pages, full colour printed on 170g paper with matte finish.
A5, 250 copies.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 08, 2017, 10:25:43 AM
I merged topics into one.

Utmarken guys are easy to reach. Check label or release called Utmarken, and then look who's in.

If Matthias or Dan doesn't want to get involved, then probably one can't really gather the first hand information.
The thing why I ask, is that not sure if questions are meant to sound like someone doesn't know where to even start, but information is so easily available, it makes me question level of the research in first place. Although, I know this is not the only route that has been used to approach people.

Nevertheless, I'd recommend to ask the "prime motors" first. If they are not willing to be in, it's quite pointless to go further with just few who may have not been involved in doing things too much.
Printed in April 2017.
Dedicated entirely to Utmarken, a combined venue/record shop/recording and
rehearsal space that existed in Gothenburg between 2008 and 2011.
Some words but mainly a photo documentation.
40 pages, full colour printed on 170g paper with matte finish.
A5, 250 copies.

Thanks for this - I've been in touch with Dan since I made the initial post on here



For what it's worth, Dave is a great guy and noise artist, and I'm confident that his study will be a worthwhile one :)


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