cuss-fetish : трёхэтажным матом.

Started by vita_ignes, April 17, 2014, 08:01:31 AM

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inceptive invectives!!

mat 001 - paints ov anima & uav εφιάλτης

c92 ov esoteric drones from paints ov anima aka Pær Svn [paintings for animals / thee source ov fawnation / hom] & necro-realist glitch from obscurantist cuss-fetishiste.

ltd 80 hand-stamped copies

mat 002 - cult of zir & sid redlin

double dobbs approved c92 ov esteemed portland, or based glitch par excellence & kalamazoo, mi located trans-dimensional experimentations.
comes with additional insert by cult of zir!!

ltd 80 hand-stamped copies

mat 003 - devils g & fiends - even devils have a past

c92 ov rare esoteric electronikx recordings from veneto italia based devis granziera with various collaborative projekts spanning 1990-93!! fold out poster insert.

projekts include:

R. Biasin Acid Vampire,
Jesus fucks Magdeleine,
Laboratrio [previously unreleased!!],
Teatro Satanico Charles Manson

unfathomably honored to be able to assist with thee release ov these recordings!!

ltd 80 hand-stamped copies

online prowler


V-rot-yebis / «Fuck-yourself-in-the-mouth»

one of the better articles found thus far via personal research on Russian mat:

polny pizdets


sun-scorched сквернословие!!

mat 004 - imago ignota

c62 ov obscure northwestern hardware driven dance floor oriented electronics! UWE 60D + Conniptor = Imago Ignota!!

mat 005 - abandoned footwear & issyk-kul

cuss-fetish could not be more pleased about releasing this c62 - thee first physical release ov bay area based projekt: abandoned footwear = exillon + identity theft!! with sandals unadorned and feet treading upon subterranean soils/ одной ногой в рейв!! thee b side hears debut materials from issyk-kul = unruhen + uav εφιάλτης exploring ancient sub-aqueous ruins!

samples forthcoming..



MAT 006 - RPTN / A:.S.:.

after 20 years ov making musick deep beneath thee seismic sensors ov most- Barrett Clark [Polar/RMS] bestows this behemoth c92 with thee hardest dosing ov acid cut with dog knows what stimulants; which induces deliriant ecstatic RPTN to our sensorial circuitry / falling abyss-wardly from thee dance floor to thee trance-floor- A:.S.:. [Barrett Clark & Flora Powell] invoke musick to lay in thee dark! un-balanced sleazy listening; at points akin to a pre-dawn dreamscape ov pre-1984 German electroniks; ala: Schultze/Schnitzler/Baumann-esque proto-industrial!!

MAT 007 - Stellar Angles / VEIL

for this c62 initiative invokations inscribing cosmic geometries ov enigmatic vicissitudes are bestowed by thee personage behind Poison Ring / whilst Amber Amnesia [Premortem Rigormortis/Kanopic Descent] & Elm Outcault [Sere/Shroud]; as VEIL- bequeath inceptive death-trance from depths hidden far beyond fathomable reaches!!

MAT 008 - DiMenTia - The Vivid

for this c62 Sean DiMenTia; who has released previously upon Detroit label: Void Tactical Media- issues forth visceral electro waves which will undulate your tentacles into slitheringly sequenced asymmetries / whist sharing this magnetic medium are The Vivid- projekt ov Emit & Mary [Nezzy Idy] a pair ov bay area bat-wave, bone-vivant, benefactors ov electro bemusement!!

also available:

Port of the Sun & take down UAV - Cynocephali - cdr

Mastered by Ben L. Robertson. Unexpurgated live take down the sun set at Honey from the Dead King, Hall of the Woods, 6.26.09. Dionysian diaspora swept up in sonic rebaptizations in this anthem to vibrational chaosemiotics. Unmapped intestinal labyrinths of the dark interior of the body. Monsters enthroned. Ejacula extinguishing flames. A synaesthesic squall of peripheral canids snarling at epileptoid cartographers. Artaud sailing for Acheron on a raft made of laughter. Civilization perforated with maggot holes. Wet nightmares.

unvaulted final 13 copies come with take down the sun badge.



our fine friends at Treue um Treue are now distributing select titles from 2014's cuss-fetischismus campaign!!

do yourself a favor and peruse their incredible label releases and distributed titles available via their exquisite boutique shoppe!!


весна сквернословие!!

MAT 009 - ceremonial abyss

with this c47 bear witness to thee dance floor conundrum in which one may be uncertain whether it tis best befitting to be either ecstatically dancing or voraciously head-banging to these enthralling hardware tekno works bestowed from Ceremonial Abyss [Imago Ignota / Thee Source Ov Fawnation]!!

MAT 010 - erezioni astrali / entheogen absconditus

thee plans for this cassette have been quite some time in the making as an homage ov friendship between contributors for thee esoteric electronics blog vita ignes: corpus lignum

for more than twenty years E.A. [ghost collective] has been active in thee international mail-art/ industrial underground.. for their side ov this c47 as erezioni astrali: they are working in software based sound collage assemblages utilizing rhythmic / and more atonal abstract aspects ov sound design works..
for thee b side entheogen absconditus work with assorted non-midi hardware [BRuZED CiRcUiTs built osc/seq units, soviet era drum synth, and various other equipment] generating pulsing rhythmic squelches not ov thee conventional sound palates. for thee purposes ov these recordings author Port of the Sun contributes reading from the novel Helios!!

[note: final copies ov earlier titles near gone.]


сакрального и профанного.

MAT 011 - aft3rbirth / an exquisite corpse

two extremely disparate approaches from individuals active in the field ov electronic sound from thee psychic geographic locale ov portland, oregon..

every eprom exploited, diodes distressed and dilapidated, circuitry corrosively cursing, bytes bitten until bruzed, accelerationist aktions from AFT3RBIRTH who has been active in underground electronics for over twenty years!!

from harsh visceral extremities; collapse into cavernous reverberated ambiances ov trance inducing cathartic meditative loops from AN EXQUISITE CORPSE - thee projekt ov Ogo Eion whose impact as curator ov Portland area events Psychopomp and Cacophony have left an indelible impact upon thee imaginal ov PNW esotericists for a decade going strong!!


MAT 012 - conniptor - sacred zoology

PNW jak-elekroniks maestro CONNIPTOR [Imago Ignota / Lacedon / Kenophilia] issues proper hardware based tekno for thee cryptids and insectoids dwelling above and beneath our world!!


autumnal ambient & acid assault!!

mat 014 - diana berti - tragedy of the uncommons

from Lord Ausch's priests' eye copulated with upon the sacramental altar / fwd to Buneul's razor slashed eye in Chien Andelieu / fwd to Fulci's repetitive slow motion traumas upon thee ocular and even Argento's retinal capture at the moment ov death in Four Flies on Grey Velvet: a nightmare concert ov imageries has been imprinted..
sounds surreal, soothing, and traumatic issue forth in this inceptive invective from Diana Berti - projekt ov Violet Poison [Veleno Viola / Opal Tapes / Hospital Productions / Candela Rising]
from VHS and broadcast Gialli youthful obsessions emerge these strange analog synth scapes sequencing picnoleptic labyrinthine mysteries ov uncertainty..
as thee dubious scenes unfold- we are shocked at thee climax -as when at thee end ov Don't Torture a Duckling we witness thee corrupt priest plummeting over the cliff- as ultra-violently his face is ripped to shreds in a repetitive sequence that we are incapable ov forgetting..

mat 015 - identity theft / exillon

from dark margins an acidulous swarming undulates forth..
change your passwords/ alter your fingerprints and retinas/ mutate and resequence your genetic markings..
Identity Theft issues forth pure EBM/ACID without compromise nor regrets!! if you are incognizant ov this artists' works as member ov Nommo Ogo / Seacrypt / Abandoned Footwear [with Exillon!!] - you are likely still fooling with trend following- hyped up synthesizer fodder for thee commercial Wire mag ilk..
if your tastes tend towards thee non-alkaline: Exillon has that acrid taste that will fuck up your palate thee way that you are craving!! dark perverted acid that fucks up dance floors!! the sounds ov this cassette jak hard before thee acidity melts all substance into an ambient trance that inexplicably comes to cessation - only to have you repetitiously craving that this immersion ov yr sensorial elation ouroborosly repeat ad infinitum!!


cuss-fetischismus early 2016 campaign.

mat 016 - ceremonial abyss - patchwork

this c75 features two long mixes ov materials composed by Denver based project Ceremonial Abyss - thee A side finds thee project delving into more abstruse sonic scapes than his previous releases both here on cuss-fetish, and as well on Seattle based Motor collective's imprint.. after the more ambient assemblages with nods to fore-bearers such as early-era Tangerine Dream or even Jarre's influences; Oakland-based projekt Identity Theft contributes a similarly emotionally evocative scape ov his own with a darkening ov these hues..
thee B-side ascends from this terra-icognita towards brooding acidity that contiguously subsumes in melding textures ov morose ambiances as well that acrid taste dance-floors salivate for!

mat 017 - ceremonial abyss - presence is devotion

second proper album from this Denver based projekt known to have associated with Imago Ignota / Thee Source ov Fawnation / Spectral Hatchery.. hard brazen tekno scapes sprawling chasms ov guttural synth textures amidst jabs ov percussive accents alternating betwixt restraint and an incessant acidic melting ov orientation ov corporeal perception via cavorting undulations!!

mastered by Luke Burba

copies ov mat 016 / 017 are split betwixt thee oft-touring artist and the label this time- so anticipate thee likelihood it will not last..


лето сквернословие 2016!!

mat 018 - conniptor - contraindication

somewhere betwixt ghetto-bass concussiveness, inebriated Italo hallways ov mirrors, and effed up weird-core electronics - Conniptor continues to jak hard at thee cerebral and corporeal with auditory oddities which evade categorizations as would be expected from this liminal hardware provocateur / bisector ov Imago Ignota!!

mat 019 - imago ignota - expired deposition

this tremendously anticipated sophomore album from Imago Ignota exceeds any expectations which could have been anticipated- crushing at nearly 90 minutes in duration- these two hardware aficionados prove that the chthonic chaos ov their collaborative energies far surpasses many ov their contemporaries tepid characterizations ov what exactly fucks up thee floors ov dark bars - as strange shadows solipsistically scintillate seclusionary specters..

mat 020 - ceremonial abyss - aliénation et magie noire

closing a trilogy ov cassettes associated with afflicted artist Antonin Artaud - this feral fucker bares fangs!! if these tracks fail to bring writhing ecstatic torments; then lividity may be a long erstwhile problematic ov a bygone bemusement..


2017 winter cuss-fetish batch.

mat 021 - squrm / conniptor - live katabatik summer solstice 2016

live dokument from two incredible mutoid PNW tekno akts recorded during the 2016 katabatik summer solstice!! squrm is thee projekt ov elm outcault [sere/ve il/gyre v] whilst this may be thee only physical dokumentation for the projekt- it tis deservedly overdue in seeing release here - mad praise for bringing it to thee materschina-fetish imprint for this split release from label stalwart cryptoid: conniptor who tis also in fine mutagenic form here!! those who may have bore witness to these acts are likely cognizant these two are laying down hardware jams worthy ov deeper inspection!!

mat 022 - frank hospiz - mutant taimori

cuss-fetish tis beyond honoured to be able to help co-release this audio dokument in collaboration with thee Drames imprint from Frank Hospiz - a soundtrack related project from one ov our absolute favorite Franco-Belgian sound artists: Dasz who is also behind numerous projects including: Dolina/Illustration Sonore/ Ame De Boue- amongst others!! this release stands out in it's uniqueness even amidst thee misfit roster ov miscreants who've thus far hurled their invectives across the magnetic spectral spools.. BECOME PRO-MUTANT!!!

mat 024 - ceremonial abyss, atlea, & identity theft / bore tide

materials for thee a-side to this release were borne initially ov thee collaborative efforts ov 3x prime katabatik hardware electronics masters for thee 2016 Cascadian Yule-tide festival, and were subsequently developed further for this audio dokumentation. thee b side brings forth inceptive invectives from Bore Tide- forged from thee collaborative efforts betwixt Atlea [Nommo Ogo!!] and D.A. Terrance [Hanford Acid]!! both sides bestow frigid boreal hardware teknoid electronics par excellence!!