Huzzah! FINALLY, two new releases that I've been dying to get out for SUCH a long time.
Clive Henry - III (cdr, 25 copies)
Messr. Henry is one of my favourite HNW acts on the scene, if not my fave. His walls are stunningly crafted sonic blasts that cut to the core. On III, two longs tracks of HNW stand either side of a short track of musique concreté. This record is why I put out records. Listen and worship.
Alois Richter - Ondes Pures (cdr, 25 copies)
80 minutes of bass heavy, crackly drone music from the mysterious Alois Richter, one half of HNW duo The Sandman Wears a Mask. Minimalist drones that creep into your head and fuck with your DNA. Unlike anything that Bored Bear has ever released, and I'm delighted to be releasing this. I've often thought that excellent drone like this is the flipside, and counterpart to HNW.
Both cdr's are 4EUR each. P&p is extra. Trades considered.
Contact: anotherthreewordbandname [at]
gmail.comOrders/trades will be posted later in the week at the earliest, possibly next week.