Looking for Process Church books on Feral House

Started by moozz, June 12, 2018, 11:56:04 PM

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I'm interested in these two Process Church books on Feral House:

Propaganda and Holy Writ of the Process Church of the Final Judgment
Love Sex Fear Death

Both are sold out from Feral House so trading/2nd hand is the option. I can pay for these or trade for records and a few books (like Danish Porn hardcover by Nordstroms).

I am also interested on any books about Solar Lodge.

david lloyd jones

Re-sare lodge.
"Inside solar lodge,behind the veil"  you fraternity shiva public by desert star temple press in usa 2012is the most lucid insider history covering their prime history by an insider and more balanced than ed sanders 'acid fascissm'references in his otherwise unbalanced mansion bio