Out now from Dream Root Records:
Two long (30 mins each) tracks of synthy dark ambient and CMI-ish Death Industrial. Side B features manipulations by Cleveland harsh noiser Wyatt Howland (aka Skin Graft).
Definitely a departure from my usual stuff, but not too far removed from the overall sound.
RIYL Inade, No Festival of Light, BDN (Necrose Evangelicum-era)
This is an edition of 25, though I think there are less than 15 available at this time. All of my artist copies are spoken for. If I've talked to you about trades for a tape recently, this is what I was talking about (ie Mikko, Martin, Mortigan).
Tapes are $5 PPD in N. America and $6.50 rest of the world.
dreamrootrecs@gmail.com to reserve your copy.