New releases: Wince - The Older Generation LP + Marritt tape

Started by TordonLjud, August 16, 2018, 12:30:34 PM

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Tordon Ljud is back after the summer break with a couple of new releases.

Wince - The Older Generation LP
Throughout the 10's Wince has been one of the strongest harsh noise projects around. Full of creativeness without losing any quality. On this LP Wince offers two sides of full on harsh noise.

Niklas A.H. Marritt - Revbensbur tape
Something of a detour for Tordon Ljud. Hypnotizing, murky, genre-crossing excursions from a relatively new Swedish project. Comes with a lyric sheet. Well worth checking out!


Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC


Copies of the Wince and Graustich LPs are en route to Skeleton Dust.


Get the LP soon from:

Scream & Writhe
Skeleton Dust Recordings
Prose Nagge
Millstone Vinyl
Deutsche Asphalt
Freak Animal

Will update again in a week or so.

ligature impression

I can not recommend the Wince LP enough. ...a perfect harsh noise record. Both sides are structured in a way that once a side ends, you are compelled to turn it over, and then another full listen. A MUST for harsh heads.