German Army – Wakhan Corridor CDA nomadic journey beyond the horizon halted by towering chiseled peaks. On the roof of the world, where highest ranges meet, dwell individuals untouched by government, war or terror. An opium-induced buffer zone of the Wakhan Corridor, one of the most remote, high-altitude, bewitching landscapes on Earth opens frail-looking deep lines etched by time pristine and harsh, conserved by a famous environmentalist project, German Army, to document extinctions of this rare culture. Insightful tribal muzak buried in obscurity, anonymity, secularity and eternity. Limited to 300 copies in a full-colour gloss-laminated Digipak.
https://www.discogs.com/German-Army-Wakhan-Corridor/release/12663550Release-date: November 1, 2018.