i actually didn't really dig the lussuria/alberich collab, which is strange considering how much i like the solo works from each artist.
"favorite" lussuria would actually be the sunken meadow tape, shame its so limited. i remember talking with jim/lussuria about it when he gave me my copy, i have the private edition, and it is actually themed on sunken meadow state park... which is a 'park' on long island on the grounds of what used to be a huge state psychiatric center. the park is really cool as the majority of it is just paved walkways surrounded by 30+ abandoned buildings, many of which you can just walk into - illegally of course.
some favorites when it comes to the more difficult to acquire limited tapes:
age of enlightenment - vampiric treblinka
whorebutcher - libertine
jason crumer - what is love
wilt - winters whore
hair police - fear of sleep
dead machines - full moon
alberich - penis womb
prurient - sexual magic
prurient - oxidation
k.p. - nominating someone
arron dilloway - a foxhole point of view
biggest regret - not choosing to take age of enlightenment - traumatology when dom handed it to me at no fun fest. don't remember what i wanted instead but, fuck...