Hi all, it's nice to post here again after a long period of inactivity. I'm glad to announce:
TORBA - musica convenzionale (39'12")Recorded and mixed by Mauro Diciocia, 2017/2018
Mastered by Pentti Dassum 2019
Sound sources:
field recordings, 1⁄4" tape and tape-loops manipulations, piano, guitars, cello, pedals and digital processors,
handmade oscillators, radio AM/FM and various circuit bent gears
Musica convenzionale took slowly life in Berlin, Germany, where I spent about eight years before
moving in a small village nearby Lecce (southern Italy) where I currently reside. The material contained in
this forty-minutes track outlines a sort of manifesto designed to (re)organize the results of the
sound/aesthetics research carried under the moniker torba in the first ten years of activity of the project.
Musica convenzionale, at the same time, represents the first chapter of a trilogy (informally) called
Edizioni Aaltra is a record series born as an organ of dissemination and promotion within the project Aaltra,
a (non-physical) container based in Lecce focused on adventurous sonic languages. Active since February
2018, the collective offers an ongoing program of live performances, workshops and temporary installations.
Musica convenzionale is the first release of the series.
(temporary) FULL STREAMING:
https://soundcloud.com/torba/musica-convenzionale10e + shippings[get in touch for trade and wholesale]
info [AT] aaltra [DOT] it
Also available at:Rumpsti Pumsti (DE)
Fragment Factory (DE)