joe houpert & nathan mclaughlinthe slow burn tour 2011
performances of
prayer &
echolocation3/20...Sugar Maple...Milwaukee,WI...
with Lucky Bone & Dan of Earth3/21...Rachael's Cafe...Bloomington,IN
with Dense Reduction3/23...Robinwood Concert House...Toledo,OH...this is a Loud & Sad performance!
joe houpert is the godfather of my child, my tour partner, my collaborator, and the person who makes me write these god damn write ups because he refuses to do them or at least procrastinates to the point that i have to. please come see us play these solo sets, except in toledo where we will play together as the still proud duo of loud & sad, and i promise to some extent that you will not be completely disappointed. if you have a beer with us afterward you might even find yourself having some old fashioned pure fun discussing topics such as land usage, what the hell is wrong with the philadelphia suburbs, and why i have trouble shopping in grocery stores and in fact these conversations may be integral to our concert experience. we promise in exchange a maximum gear fetish and awkward silences along with bland dress....not to mention a bare minimum of audience banter...we will save that for when we have you cornered with your wallets out sweating early spring cold sweats until joe or i make the next move and make you feel guilty for having come seen us without giving us some of your honest cash.
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