FEB-111: COVID-19 COMPILATION: RECORDED UNDER QUARANTINEhttps://foreverescapingboredom.bandcamp.com/album/covid-19-compilation-recorded-under-quarantine39 artists from the Sunshine State and beyond recording under the duress of a pandemic.
Featuring: Sloth, Male Model, Novasak, Elsie Shiro, Glaive, This Is What I Hear When You Talk, Su Sous Toulouse en Rouge, Hal McGee, Black Beast of Arrrghhh, Otolathe, {AN} Eel, Mental Anguish, Vasectomy Party, --minusminus, Aversion to Reality, Arvo Zylo, Ghosts of Dead Tables, Subaltern, RUBBISH, Chris Reierson, Lezet, Gain of Function, Rafael Flores, Sid Yiddish, Planet Shithead, Leandro Kalén, Lumpy's Quarantine Times String
e.Band, Szymkowiak Joseph, Adam Naworal, Greathumour, Soloman Tump ft. Tom and Ed, Stonejaw, Matthew M. Conroy, AZOIKUM, Formaldehydra, KR Seward, Antropozoa, Thomas Park, and JLIAT.
2 x CD-R edition forthcoming..