Kartio - Sähkömusiikki 2xC40 (Satatuhatta)

Started by Satatuhatta, May 10, 2021, 08:31:04 PM

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Kartio is a Finnish word for speaker cone. Sähkömusiikki is a Finnish word for electronic music. It is also the name of the course of electroacoustic music at Tampere Konservatorio. This double tape contains works and material studies from probably the last course, since that program is being terminated by the conservatory's administration.

Kartio is a project of electronic music by Pentti Dassum (Umpio, Häkki, SM/DP..) Electronic music cannot exist without speakers. These selected tracks are the results of 28 sessions at the conservatory's Labra studio in Tampere, exploring modular synthesis, and the infinite possibilities of polychronic composition. Also an old reel-to-reel tape was cannibalized and recycled. On it was some language course for basic italian, bird sounds, and unidentified classical music. In that sense, a complete set of tools for electroacoustic music were used and as such form a tribute to the future sound of a not too far past.

Double cassette (2 x C40) inside screen printed cardboard cover. 13€ + postage. Orders satatuhatta.tapes@gmail.com or  https://satatuhatta.bandcamp.com/album/s-hk-musiikki


thanks for the support, i still have a few copies for those who need/want

without satatuhatta pushing me this it would still be only an idea, kiitos!

i have to say this about the long piece on side III "Taivaan Kaaret"
it is a primitive study of oscilloscope music, to be visualized with signalizer vst. i was blown away about how good some birdsounds look, as crazy as that sounds.
so if you have the chance to listen to this through a daw (reaper for example) then pick this up, install it and watch/listen "through" this:
