Funny seeing this bumped; I just recieved the "Hive" cdr and "The Most Dangerous Game" murder series 7" in the mail. Hive is great; whirring, vacuum crumbling drone of the most literal order. There is a moment on Hive very similar to a section of the first track on "Stop Listening" where it builds to an overbearing buzzing hum then drops out to a low end throb; it gives me the chills both times. The Most Dangerous Game is two tracks of heavy drones, though textured enough to start toeing into harsh territory. Certainly puts me in a mood; psychotic without relying on vocals to freak out the listener-slow burn. Killer layout too; love the "get in contact if you are listening" note to the Zodiac.I gave the 1993 10" a spin too-kinda disappointing, lots of very goofy delay modulation, need to give it a closer listen some time.