Back in action after some holidays... Mail-order updated and new items:
JUNTA "4 eye a.m. dis appearance" tapeIn recent years quest of digging up new and upcoming obscure Finnish noise, JUNTA fits perfectly on this path. Cover declares Yes Nonsense, Non Dynamics and you will get something that ain't straight harsh noise, nor really power electronics, but also hardly playful experimentation. If you liked the tapes FA has been presenting in recent years, this will be good addition among them.
KOVANA / CIRCLE OF SHIT split tapeFinnish bands join together into ultra raw and fierce live-noise recording. Kovana is close to 80's power electronics feel and Circle of Shit is ghastly lo-if audio rot quite different from their other works! Freak Animal 2021.
LUSTERS "rock music" tapeFinnish Harsh Noise full length tape! 2021 latest FA titles: latest added noise CD's category, best way to see latest additions is to use "Date modified (Z-A)" as browsing method.