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Started by narcolepsia, June 04, 2021, 06:52:05 PM

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narco093 – PGR / TORTURING NURSE C30

In this clash between Paolo Gaiba´s PGR, an overlooked Italian project, and the long running and quite prolific Chinese harsh noise terrorist Torturing Nurse, it is better not to expect anything groundbreaking or particularly original, as that was never intended - this is Harsh Noise at its crudest, with blasts of ramping violence and chaos, no-breaks in-the-red dynamics, rough and crushing electronics to satisfy your most urgent fix.

Edition of 80

8.00€ + postage



narco094 – UMPIO "KULOTUS" 2xCD (in conspiracy with HIISI PRODUCTIONS)

Double CD of fire elektronix overload. No junks. Oscillator complexity, no-input mixers, feedback loops... almost 10 years of tape recordings arranged into 2 comprehensive discs. "Kulotus" is the finnish word for when farmers burn the old weeds and leftovers away, so that the earth can be reworked. Absolute erasing, preparation for the new.

Edition of 200

13.00€ + postage

narco097 – EXTERMINATOR "FIRE" C60

Reissue of an obscure tape originally put out by Peter Zincken (Odal) on his Nihilistic Recordings in 1987. Exterminator was the project of German artist Markus Schwill and "Fire" provides an exercise in primitiveness at its most genuine, hardly replicable by today´s methods or any market driven nostalgia. Disorienting, errant, exhaustive, with the captivating freshness of a very particular era, arguably freer from subgenre restrictions and preconceived rules regarding audience expectations, it deserves a renewed appreciation for those who crave for the most unrefined and primordial beauty.

Edition of 90

8.00€ + postage




After revisiting one of my favorite collaborations in the extensive Matching Head catalogue (Culver & Haare "Rusted Zombie Mist", its 147th release) I had the idea to propose some sort of sequel to both artists, which they gladly accepted. Being titans at their craft, with resolute aesthetical and ethical notions of what underground should be, this collaboration transpires a unique subtlety, a fusion of styles that comes up as cohesive and focused. Absorbed in a spiral of psychedelic downfall, it echoes, resonates and drowns in a catatonic mass of soporiferous and ethereal blur, an "Invisible Death".

Edition of 100

8.00€ + postage




"Garbage Shore" is drenched in abrasive buzzing and clanking, an industrial nightmare suffocated by crusty textures and broken rhythmic intensity, reeking of thick decomposition, vile and organic. Never succumbing to the chaotic "Rock Music" discharge of Lusters, and lacking some of the required discipline one can find on Vigilantism, Edge of Decay is still a unique creature, an hybrid that manages to gather the best elements of the genres it predates, regurgitating a mass of sonic detritus very few are able to match, a slimy beast hard to hunt down or even locate.

Edition of 100

8.00€ + postage



narco107 – MOGAO / MOOZZHEAD C50

Unrelenting duel between yet two more entities leaving behind their glowing trail throughout the grim finnish landscape. Mogao is a newcomer from Turku - half of The New Boyfriends (a collaboration with Aprapat) - which released the amazing "Cave of 1000 Buddhas" tape in 2019. Moozzhead, on the other hand, is an older name, active during the 90´s, yet so obscure and with such scarce activity, that it will be seen as a new project by most. As for the sound itself, this is a wild and unrestrained amalgam of blazing feedback and strident psychedelia, as fiery as celebratory – a soundtrack for malfunctioning meditation, "Zen buzz for empty heads" getting fried on a "whirlwind pendulum".

Edition of 100

8.00€ + postage



narco112 – YANA / CIRCLE OF SHIT "UTRA" C40

Neither YANA or Circle of Shit have been afraid to experiment during the process in which they have been consolidating their identities so far. If YANA has been combining "gloomy atmospheric experimental drones, (...) piercing electronics, percussion and sudden screams" and articulating a sense of improvisation with more focused sessions, Circle of Shit has been carving a path of its own, at times unclassifiable, with an ever present no-fi aura and quite original absurd titles, visuals and overall concepts, blending "obscure industrial field recordings, animalistic growls, fragments of distant and distorted radio transmissions, eventually disintegrating into a flood of noise, (...) a bizarre journey through rotting sewers into a dislocated reality." This tape captures particularly raw recordings from a live performance in Utra on 07.09.2019, which somehow happen to turn the final object into a more consistent and very fitting combined effort.

Edition of 90

8.00€ + postage




* anything you need to know, just write, ask, discuss – I support and encourage human contact over anonymous webshop clicks

narcolepsia . distro at gmail . com