PHBTK (PBK + Hands To) - Verfall & Melachoir 2xCSPBK (Phillip B. Klinger) and Hands To (Jeph Jerman) released two collaborative C-60s: "Verfall," released by Al Margolis' label Sound of Pig in 1988, and "Melachoir," released by Jerman's Big Body Parts label in 1989.
Both releases capture a similar dynamic, combining textures ranging from subtle to harsh. Anyone familiar with either artist won't be surprised to find that even after more than two decades, these cassettes are far ahead of material of their time and of any time since.
This release features both cassettes in their entirety with the original artwork, packaged in a double norelco case.
CP-31B - Skullflower "The Paris Working/La Noche de Walpurgis" C-100Available again! The first hundred tapes flew out the door. Having it out of print so quickly defeated the purpose of this release: making two excellent, yet hard-to-find full lengths easy to acquire and at an affordable price. This repress has B&W art, and cheaper, too.
In 2008 and 2009, Skullflower self-released two CD-r releases for short tours. "The Paris Working" features a nearly 50-minute live track featuring Lee Stokoe, Matthew Bower, Samantha Davies, and Stuart Dennison, performing live in Paris. "La Noche de Walpurgis" features 6 studio tracks in similar style to "Vile Veil" and "Circulus Vitiosus Deus." These releases occasionally appeared for mailorder, sometimes fetching high collectors-only prices. I am happy to present both of these releases on a single cassette - 100 minutes of top-notch Skullflower material, with black and white reproduction of the original artwork.
CP-24 - Sky Burial - "Dream Decimator" C-60This is Michael Page's 60-minute opus as Sky Burial. A single track that spans both sides of this C-60, "Dream Decimator" craftily merges classic industrial with dark ambient with an expert level of composition. This is what long time Lustmord fans
wish he would release these days.