Hi all,
here to announce three new cassettes out on Joy De Vivre
Compsa - L'attesa (c32)First output for the new project of Giuseppe Esposito ( Archivio Diafonico, Matar Dolores). "L'attesa" includes samples and recordings collected between Berlin, Ponteromito and Napoli, from 2018 to 2020. It Is an attempt to tell a personal story, while using external narrative elements, thus finally debating the nature itself of narrative imagination.
Casa di caccia - Un saluto mediterraneo (C20)
Elusive people... I can only say this is one more slab of frenzy distorted electronics from cold and foggy Second Sleep headquarters.
Duncan Harrison - A fleet of scratched backs (C56)
Something strange happens in the next room, acousmatic phenomena, field recordings, musique concrete and then...Arpeggios and classical-like harmonies come to light as if from nothing. Duncan Harrison moves between clear references to the historical avant-gardes (dada, fluxus) and more sly and light-hearted experiments in sound. "Three new works for sonified adult ennui".
wholesale available ( write to: francescotignola at gmail dot com )
direct buy >