Ted Byrnes - Speed As Expression cd Ted pulls back the layers of noise revealing an intense, tightly wound solo percussion study from a master practitioner. THIS RECORD IS DEDICATED TO SEAN BAXTER, MILFORD GRAVES, JON CHRISTENSEN
K2 - Demokratika Spastika cd K2 in a freewheeling, blown out synth mode. An almost fatal dose of psychedelic ill intent.
Cold Storage - Fractures cd shortwave static and hot metal junk on full display. Not a moment wasted. recorded in Ozona, Texas
Knurl - Black Anathema cd Alan Bloor doing what he does best, yet somehow better than before. All first takes, no overdubs.
$10 each or all 4 for $25 only at:
http://www.ruralisolationproject.comK2 & Cold Storage art by P. Vantrigt