Formaldehyde Production: Mattatoio 5 - Psychopathia Sexualis

Started by R.Kemper, January 23, 2023, 04:00:07 PM

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A tribute to the controversial comic book Psychopathia Sexualis of the artist Miguel Ángel Martín by this anonymous project called Mattatoio 5 after one of the noise bands draw in the comic book Sicotronic Records.

The original comic book was released in the 1995 by Topolin Edizioni of Jorge Vacca, but immediately removed from the bookstore by the prosecutor's office because of the extreme violence, despite the cover was black and properly sealed.

As a tribute the silver CDr with black record surface is closed inside a black bag with two exclusive graphics made by Miguel Ángel Martín and a drill bit stained with flesh.

We don't know anything about Mattatoio 5 if not only their names:


No streaming of this. If you want to listen it you need to buy it. But you can found a small sample in our Instagram Profile.