noizegescheft - xe/bu/brethren etc. tapes/records/cds for sale

Started by yddish_hebrew, November 14, 2023, 01:01:05 PM

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these are for sale now, all in excellent condition, quick turnaround no bullshit, i'm in Britain so prices are in pounds

bu - sikioasento 15 gbp (NM) 2x lp
xenophobic ejaculation / atesh - prepare yourselves 15 gbp (NM)

toteslaut - strident impurity 6 gbp (NM) cd

zyklon ss - anti-personnel explosive device 5 gbp (NM) cd
zyklon ss - live in finland 2016 5 gbp (NM) cd

sick seed - prison songs 6 gbp (NM) cd

pm me on -->



You should edit the first message to reflect those changes. Someone interested in buying something from you should not be required to read through the whole thread to see what you actually have for sale. Unless of course that is what you want :)