Noise Receptor Journal over to a 'print n demand' system, I have had issues servicing the EU, resulting from my printer being based in the UK and customs import duties being charged to EU customers and wholesale stockists. Despite assurances from my UK printer that an EU print hub would be opened, this has not eventuated, and I have been advised that plans for it have since been shelved.
As a consequence of this I have now moved issues no.10 & no.11 of
Noise Receptor Journal over to Amazon's 'print on demand' system for all international markets, including the EU. Quality of the print product is the completely same as before.
Issues no.10 & no.11 are now available on all Amazon's platforms for direct order. PLease note the nominated retail price is slightly higher on Amazon so to encourage people to order either directly via, or stockists within the underground network, which includes:
USA: Cloister Recordings, Tesco Distro & Fusty Cunt, Material World NYC & Chondritic Sounds, Attic Shrines
UK: Cold Spring Records, Tordon Ljud & Cult Never Dies
Germany: Tesco Organisation, Total Black, Drone Records, Schattenmann's Zine Zone
Finland: Freak Animal, Satatuhatta Tapes & Aural Hypnox
France: Cyclic Law
Canada: Scream & Writhe
Bulgaria: AMEK Collective
Italy: Old Europa Cafe
Greece: ECT
Poland: Zoharum
Sweden: Skuggsidan, Top Five Records (Stockholm)
Australia: Overuse Distro, Metropolis Bookshop, World Foods Books, Naturestrip Records, LULU's Melbourne
But with all that said, if 'convenience is king', by all means order from Amazon directly if you like.
Over'n'out....end transmission...