TWO NEW TAPES FROM <-- samples and ordering
raxil4 - Untitled (C30) - £4 including worldwide delivery.
We first laid ears on raxil4 as it rolled from our radio, tuned as we were, to the formidable ILLFM. Droning dead stations, lumbering low-end static, and piercing mosquito whines combine with long lost choirs of marooned AM singals.
Buzzing street lamps, the echoing yawn of flexing metal, and ambient bleep-scapes are all shrouded in a thick fog of tape hiss and delay. You're working the night-shift and drinking beef tea in the abandoned drop forge.
Dubbed with variable beginnings, each tape is unique - 40 minutes of music distrobuted randomly over 30 minutes of magnetic tape.
Edition of 32. With monochrome artwork.
Infinite Space Infinite Stars - Untitled (C20) - £4 including worldwide delivery.
INFINITE SPACE INFINITE STARS are London-based Andie Brown, and Louis Caldarola. On side A, they present a devotional space-dust wasteland symphony. Moaning sine-wave laments drift and glide effortlessly across a washed-out tundra of sweeping white-noise, while the approaching drone-wall glacier inches its way closer and closer to a soggy demise in a wam sea of triumphant crystalline keyboard cadences. Side B sees the snow drift thicken, only tiny specks of sunlight now visible beneath an ever increasing blanket of pure arctic harmonies.
Definitely one for lying face down on a beanbag, with the lights down and the volume up - as purifying and affirming as three hours chanting plainsong with a load of vegetarian noise-monks. Music of the spheres for sure.
Edition of 35. With "stone-effect" on-tape stickers and "mind-maze" artwork. <-- samples and ordering