NBM summer batch. Psywarfare & Exome, Apex Parasite, Uncodified

Started by Nil By Mouth, July 29, 2024, 01:33:41 PM

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Nil By Mouth

Psywarfare & Exome - Tomba del vampiro C52

Cripte chiuse da secoli e capannoni abbandonati nella nebbia. Luoghi lontani ma accomunati dal silenzio. O da bordate di rumore. PiĆ¹ violento, affilato e tagliente per Psywarfare ed ombroso, cupo e catacombale per Exome. Harsh noise di pungente energia per il veterano Psywarfare, dense partiture death industrial per la promessa Exome. Plastic black bag with 8 postcards, limited to 80 copies.

Teaser: https://youtu.be/hRvbFqvAwZo?si=KSpUYphQjcYHJFhV

Apex Parasite - Blood on boots C34

Let's get back on the streets, lets' get back to the rules of the street and a time when things were less complicated. Tightly laced boots and pure aggression, brotherhood, beer and fist fights. Blood on boots! Bombastic power electronics for those who have always a knuckleduster and a glare, punching electronics for fans of Survival Unit, The Grey Wolves, Green Army Fraction.

Comes in black plastic bag, inserts and a piece of bloodsoaked shoelace

Teaser: https://youtu.be/Sn_0m96Cbvg?si=yBoRg2Gcvl21B2TI

Uncodified - Addictions C42

Following the border of an harsh noise kaleidoscope, Uncodified come back to Nil By Mouth with a schizoid work of abstract noise. Can be relaxing, can be paranoid, it's surely a portrait of a sound perversion for perverse people guided by a morbid interest for nylon, legs, feet...

Teaser: https://youtu.be/jbPyGitaCtc?si=9zXavo84BS-XqGpj
