NOISEXTRA - A podcast about noise

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, May 31, 2019, 12:16:12 PM

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new one is interview w/ author Thomas Moore.  His explanation of his process is so lucid! He speaks of writing a lot of source material, then scavenging it for the jewels in the mud. He talks of feeling shapes in the dark. Greh & the Connellys instantly recognize it as their same process w/noise.


Thomas Moore interview good. Noisextra guys been mentioning they'd like to do more of this type of not exactly noise maker, but somehow related. Perhaps more exciting is when it happens somewhere else than "noise scene", so you see like semi-mainstream character who acknowledges noise, and even if one would not need or want outside approval or some sort of validation, there is something when you see like.. Keanu Reeves with Chrondritic Sound LP release in his "what's in your bag", hah.. Or Zizek talking about Laibach and so on and on.

New episode is Mike & Tara discussing BDN, but many more. Name dropping artists that has been on playlist, little talk about them etc. Didn't realize Makita had returned doing noise/pe!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


hmm... where I have been couple of weeks? Don't even remember that In the Studio with Sonambule episode came out. Got to check that soon.

Yesterday listened:

M.V. celebrates 30 years of activities and published book about project. I suppose european people will have euro edition coming later on and hoping to see it then! There is new tape of his on Hospital Productions and probably latest recordings found from Freak Animal International vol 3 CD (free with orders at the moment!). Stephen Petrus is good talked, good tone on voice and clarity, good recording too despite being done over internet. Stories of new and old things.

I just talked with one Finn earlier this week who mentioned that when MV played in Europe, there was actually people from USA flying over to see him play. This is curious element that in genre where you may have artists who can bring audience of couple dozens or couple hundred... that audience may be fanatical enough to travel across the world to see it.

When MV played in Finland, it was like.. was it sunday or monday evening in Kontti? Not very easy time of year nor day to play, but there was decent audience who came to see it!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


This was files ad "loose discussions" category, yet it has quite many good points being made. Talk about home recording vs studio dedicated to having gear out & available. Or difficulties of running distro from tiny storage unit/flat, vs being able to organize things and print shipping papers, have mailers and boxes and such.
Many times things just evolve step by step, and eventually realizing things ain't working out. I am pretty much sure that if I'd even move into bigger physical store space, I'd be sighing "I should have done this decade ago".

You get to hear Sonambule recording methods, but also Greh and Mike are talking about their works.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


It's good to hear the pros and cons of shared studio space as opposed to home setup. I've never had an external place to rehearse/record at and I've considered renting a studio but I simply can't afford it. Even if the rent is split with others. Having a designated spot in my basement where it's just flip a switch and it's go-time has done wonders for my creative output. It also helps that I don't have roommates (other than wife) so not there's much concern with totally blasting junk noise and pissing anyone off.
"Power in being stupid" made me laugh but it's totally true. Often times the boneheaded approach to recording is the best way and overthinking something can take away from the spirit of the sound. I've scrapped so many recordings that were meticulously crafted because, at the end of the day, shit just doesn't sound the same as the stuff that was straight-to-tape with it's happy accidents and other nuances.
First time hearing Sonambule but I dig it. All three releases are on spotify which is convenient for listening at work.

QuoteMike and Tara have another loose noise discussion for today's episode. Topics include the second Death Squad book, the "RRR 5th Anniversary Box Set Thing," a recently-scored Seka skin mag, and more!

Seka mag would be great to see! DS book and RRR 5th Anniversary box, and plenty of topics they discuss is very relatable, so episode is good backing chatter for wrapping up orders and listening them talk about noise.
QuoteToday we take another look at the "extra" of Noisextra with Ross Snyder of the Saturn's Core movie label. The movies that Saturn's Core release run parallel to the DIY noise underground of yore... in this case it's the DIY shot-on-video homemade movie underground of the 90s. Home dubbed tapes, zines, mail order, and regional scenes all come into play with Ross's story. It's a great discussion on a world that may not be familiar to some listeners, but well worth visiting.

I have this love-hate relationship with movies. I don't watch that much, but I like the idea of odd transgressive movies, hah. This shot on video scene is something I am of course aware of, but its cultural significance and how it blossomed back then, I am not expert at all. The whole era of "local movies",  and VHS stores filled with this total underground stuff next to big company films creating unusual situation where people could end up checking out these things in different way than they do now.
Toxic Avenger must be one of those "generation things", that just about everybody seen that, but even most of other Troma stuff, I doubt there was much of it available in Finland, unless in couple very specialized cult video stores.
Very interesting is the strangulation video scene and all that stuff that basically just revolves around odd fetishes, but are not pornography.
I remember people with video store experience mention there was people like... getting pile of films that would include Pippi Longstockings, Pretty Baby, Maladolescenza... and it's like "hey dude! what's up...".  In this episode they mention less harmful things like customer who seek movies with women wearing pink socks, hah..
Normally, movie themes podcast, I tend to avoid, but this was very good! It dives so deep in underground video culture, that there is indeed similarity to noise culture.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

casual discussions
commented this earlier on Power Electronics and faith -type of topic. Good interview and Steve is so urgent to talk, they barely need to ask much, and he talks in length!
Greh has been pretty quiet and returns back. Funny that they mention people did notice his voice being different in couple episodes. Indeed! Was thinking what is this sugardaddy voice he is doing now. Hoarse low-pitched, hah... Turns out it was result of the tech problems he has been having. Episode talks little bit of that, little bit of other things, some noise related, but more about movies they've been watching.

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Good episode with Crystal who owns Nooners Books, an online bookstore based in LA. First time I've heard about Nooners was from the Noisextra where Mike and Tara briefly mention them (Aug 14th episode) so I'm glad they decided to do a full episode on it. I found it oddly familiar with how she amassed her collection and a similar story, which I wrote about it here before, about an old bookstore guy retiring and leaving behind piles of porn with no destination. Awkward phone call asking for "sensitive materials" and then arranging a meetup to go through it. It becomes a burden for someone who's not into that kind of stuff so typically it all ends up in the trash. Or they get wise to it and try to sell them for collector's prices, but just because you can sell the magazines for that much doesn't mean you will. Nowadays most of my purchasing is done online but when you strike gold at a local shop or flea market it's a great feeling.
She makes an interesting point about people buying analog media so they feel grounded or connected to something real. This is especially true for the world of porn when so much of it is online and digital. Identity through media and the communities that exist, in real life, because of that.