Now available:
BODYDUMP - A MAN OF PASSION tapeOld school true crime electronics. Recorded in 2007, but due to lack of time never got around to finish it. 12 short tracks with crushing noise and brutal vocals. All lyrics are printed in the cover, tape lasts for +/- 15 minutes. For the nightstalker within us all.
SEKT - UNHEALTHCARE C-60Swedish dark ambient. Sekt is a musical experimentation performing uncomfortable and disturbing dark ambient based on humanity's physical and psychological decay, and direct all concentration to attempt to recreate the sound image of the clash of total collapse.

Also released right before I put the label on a break, but never really advertised:
ODAL - HOLLAND BOVEN ALLES tapeJust over 50 minutes of harsh noise with occasional crazy vocals here and there, in Odal style.

All the tapes above are three euro + postage. Feel free to write me at, thanks. Sorry for the shitty scans, I don't have a photocamera.
MAILORDERI also dug up the boxes what used to be the mailorder and made a new list. Because I don't want expand the mailorder for now, I've put very low prices for everything, and unfortunately won't be trading much.
The list is located at