Hagasuzza - Ω

Started by Ashmonger, June 23, 2011, 10:07:47 PM

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Hagasuzza is my Dark Ambient / Noise project and Ω is the second demo.

Second release, Ω, is out now. 35 mins, 3 Harsh Noise tracks, Dark Ambient intro, outro and two interludes.
Dealing with the decline of the All, and its timeless circle of evolution and decay.

Lightscribe CDr, handmade insert and black paper envelope.
Available for €4/$5 (+postage) or possible trades. Limited to 25.

Part of Eschaton and first interlude: http://stijn.gluefish.net/hagasuzza/eschaton-sample.mp3
Part of Alpha Omega Eternity and second interlude: http://stijn.gluefish.net/hagasuzza/alphaomega-sample.mp3