Coming very soon on Ominous Silence:"Spit at Me and Wreak Havoc on My Flesh" by Gnaw Their Tongues01. A Burned Offering
02. Spit At Me and Wreak Havoc On My Flesh
03. Stabmovement and Skinning Essay
04. ...Gnaw Their Tongues in Pain
05. Healing Open Wounds With Salt
06. Seven Heads and Ten Horns
07. Death, Suffering and Death
Ominous Silence very pleased to announce the re-issue of "Spit at Me and Wreak Havoc on My Flesh" by Gnaw Their Tongues. Originally self-relased back in 2006, this edition comes completely re-mastered with re-vamped artwork by Mories / Mastering Graphics. "Spit at Me and Wreak Havoc on My Flesh" is a wonderful mix of noise-drenched avantgarde black metal, slow, harrowing droning doom and trance inducing chaos. The material is riddled with samples from the bible, an explanation of an autopsy and drug confessions from ex-prostitutes. Dark and filthy music that deals with even darker subjects. CD format.