iDEAL Mayhem 2012. May 19th | Trepaneringsritualen, Skull DFX, Ectoplasm Girls..

Started by T × R × P, April 10, 2012, 11:21:04 AM

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T × R × P


Dub Industrial Sound System
19:e Maj


Dør 20. Showstart 21.

Cheapo iDEAL records før sale!

Mayhem, Ragnhildgade 1, Kbh N.
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Presented by KNTN.


Must be first time that no Danish bands are playing a noise/etc event at Mayhem? Though I guess most of the PI crew will be in the audience... Great way to kick off the industrial summer.

Mattias G

Quote from: ARKHE on April 10, 2012, 02:16:48 PM
Must be first time that no Danish bands are playing a noise/etc event at Mayhem? Though I guess most of the PI crew will be in the audience... Great way to kick off the industrial summer.

Tobias Kirstein wrote on Facebook "Måske et lokalt surprise act". I suppose it means that there will be Danish acts also, plus THE SKULL DEFEKTS line-up is (Rylander/Nordwall/Kirstein) i think. Anyway what does "Måske" mean?


Heard that PUCE MARY will back up SEWER ELECTION. Gonna be a fine night... any Swedes coming over, besides those performing (and Hannes obviously)?


Can't find the "live show report" thread so fuck it, I'm writing here.

A great night all in all at Mayhem, once again. Managed to catch a bus from the station so for once I didn't arrive covered in sweat. Beautiful weather too, half the evening spent outside. SKULL DEFEKTS opened for the then very small crowd (more Swedes than Danes at that point). Nordwall and Kirstein behind the machines, drone with a simple rhythm repeating and evolving throughout the whole set, with Thomas Ekelund of TREPANERINGSRITUALEN reading some occult text and screaming his lungs out. Have only seen them as a rock band before, so I didn't know what to expect but this was amazing. Floodlights glaring into the audience that made your eyes hurt after a while. Very minimal, very powerful.

Second set was SEWER ELECTION + PUCE MARY. Again extremely minimal and powerful; a sharp droning tone, some organ sounds, a few muddled tape loops and some thudding synth bass sounds. Minimal in sound and performance, they hardly seemd to touch their equipment. Far from the filthy harsh sounds of SEWER ELECTION recordings, this was soundwise mostly similar to the PUCE MARY/LR collab lp (which is still the best Posh Isolation release). Unfortunately their coming collaboration will not sound like the gig, but I'm expecting a lot from this unholy wedlock anyway.

Centre of the night was the two sisters of ECTOPLASM GIRLS. Had no idea what to expect, except some kind of experience of ghosts. Listening to their album on Ideal right now, a cheap comparison would be AGHAST and LFY. Lo-fi electronic pop music with an otherworldly, eerie atmosphere. The performance was a bit unfocused, but a bit of sloppiness comes with the genre, right? I'm sure hipsters love this band. I think it's great. As if MOËVÖT would hook up with a minimal wave band from the early eighties & jam in a spectral basement.

As more people was congregating, especially to visit the reggae club next door (whose bassy sound system cut through both the SE+PM and Ectoplasm sets), it was due time for ALTAR OF FLIES. He blasted away all competition in Malmö at the Rodger Stella show a few months ago, and damnit if this performance wasn't even better. Not based as much on loops but on noise proper, this humble ginger from Mjölby pulled off some of the nastiest, crunchiest noise I've witnessed live. Impeccable performance, even though he was just sitting down / fetching a beer at the bar / tidying up his work area / standing on the chair. Every movement was completely filled with meaning, somehow. Even if he's just chewing his mustache. No noise karaoke here! Haha. MIND-BLOWING!

Closing the night was TREPANERINGSRITUALEN, who's done well the two other times I've seen him the past 6 months. This was the best set of his so far, even though it didn't top the competition from previous performers (including his own w/ Skull Defekts). Again, all music was pre-recorded, the only "performance" was the vocal one, and hell this guy can be intimidating. TPR is like the ceremonial left hand magick-counterpart of SHIFT's militant domination - very loud, very menacing. "Crushing". The set might've been a song too long, but there is clearly an arch in the performance that needs to be followed through - nothing left to coincidence, everything is thoroughly planned. Which has it's positive and negative sides. At this point the hangover from the night before was making itself known, so I lost my concentration towards the end.

But what a spectacular night for industrial music! No wankery, no frills or bullshit; straight through impeccable sets, great variation and focus simultaneously. The cheap-ass merch table wasn't too bad either, with tapes & singles at 20 dkk (approx 3 euro) and cd+lp at a measly 6-7 euro each. 5-6 different kinds of beer as well, which is great for a venue that's technically a squat.


Great night for sure.
Altar of Flies definitely blew everything else away, so fucking energetic. No competition.
Sewer Election + Puce Mary was nothing like what I was expecting, since as it's been pointed out it didn't have much of the Sewer Election sound, but it was effective none the less.
Trepaneringsritualen was good, massive and atmospheric, but I have a hard time getting with the completely prerecorded approach.
I only saw half of Skull Defekts, but it seemed pretty alright with massive bass, although a bit too polished and "oscillator-based" for my tastes.
Ectoplasm Girls I just couldn't stand, I'm sure it has it's merits but I can't get into it at all. So I walked out during their set.

Quote from: ARKHE on May 20, 2012, 04:31:53 PM
a venue that's technically a squat.

Mayhem isn't a squat or anything like it - rent is paid. Completely legit. As a venue/art space it just allows much more freedom to the performers, promoters and users than any ordinary space.
Also: good beer is necessary. If you can avoid Carlsberg or Tuborg you might as well do it.


Yeah what I meant by squat was perhaps more architecturally, that it's an old industrial site with concrete floor etc, rather than a standard bar/club; it's far from a proper crust shed like Utkanten in Malmö of course. As long as you don't get the tap beer that was installed for the 3 year anniversary show, that was horrible... Esp. that Dark Horse was tasty.

Mattias G

I must say that Mayhems sound system/P.A is one of the best i have played on ever. Amazing sound and place. Thank you everyone for a great evening!!!


It sure was fun. I esspecially liked Sewer Election with Puce Mary and Altar of Flies. The rest was ok, but failed to keep me really captivated for more than 5 minutes.