Terror #2 is out today. Magazine, oriented to noise/power electronics/industrial.
Martin Bladh (Sharing thoughts about IRM, Skin Area, performance art, art in general, sound etc.)
Mikko Aspa (Huge interview about Special Interests and other magazines, Freak Animal, Grunt, Nicole12, Northern Heritage and many more things)
Slogun (USA true crime power electronics legend. Answers from back then to what's up now)
Sick Seed (One of the greatest from Finland. About imagery, releases, what and why)
Dieter Müh (UK industrial veteran. From early days to now - more than 30 years of activity)
Barrikad (Chat with one of quite a few anarcho-noisers in here. War?)
Remlap (Canadian HNW artist. Art as Intent label owner. Why the sound should be free and other nuances)
Impulsy Stetoskopu (Label from Poland - Encyclopedia of Industrial music, DIY releases.)
Bunch of reviews.
44 a4 pages. Offset printing. 5 euros (+postage)
Inquiries, questions etc.: info @ terror . lt