"Babalon, Consort of Chaos, Sacred Whore and Mother of the Virgin of Eternity. Since the dawn of time She has been with Man and in March of 1949 she was revealed in the flesh. »Deathward, To The Womb« is largely inspired by the Babalon working conducted by Jack Parsons between January and March of 1949. It is dedicated to his memory and to the Virgin Daughter."
»She is flame of life, power of darkness, she destroys with a glance, she may take thy soul. She feeds upon the death of men«
6-track 10". 275 copies. Mastered by Viktor Ottosson.
Trepaneringsritualen explores themes of religion, magick and the occult realms of consciousness, taking its musical cues from the CMI/Tesco school of ritual ambient & death industrial. Rhythmic and seething at times, and oozing forward with a creeping sense of desolation, Trepaneringsritualen conjures forth bleak but mesmerizing visions of the end-times.
Active since 2008, T × R × P have racked up a fair amount of cassette releases on renowned labels such as Hanson, Small Doses and Harsh Head Rituals, with 2012 seeing the first vinyl appearance in the form of »Deathward, To The Womb« 10" on RTB Records.Order from