Now Available: Zone Tripper {Live @ the Venture Compound} pay what you want net release 11/1/2012 @ the Venture Compound; Saint Petersburg, FL on the eve of ST. Pete Noise Fest 5. My friends Matt and Ry flew in from Chicago and Philly to play this year's ST. Pete Noise Fest. While they were down playing their solo projects (Sharp Tooth and Italics) we also decided on playing a collaborative set as Zone Tripper. Likely the only time we'll ever play together as a 3 piece. Recorded direct to 4-track. Members of Rectal Hygienics, Sharp Tooth, Vasectomy Party, and Asthma Atttaq.
Our "studio" album is also available as a pay what you want download: from Deadtones:, these guys know what they are doing and they are doing their job pretty good. You can hear loads of good old harsh noise wall in the background while the junk metal stabs, fuzzy guitar manipulations, wierd drones, screaming harsh noise parts and movie sequences are getting through the tracks all the time.