What Will Happen final {Hollow Bush/Rusalka/Striations/more}

Started by vargrwulf, December 08, 2012, 04:38:44 AM

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What Will Happen (Concluded)

The "What Will Happen" series has finally reached it's conclusion with the following four releases:

Ganjjaniyannia / Black Hope c62
Ganjjaniyannia is solo power electronics/industrial from Vanessa Totenblom of RSP/Peiiste etc. Black Hope is smothered unknown solo electronics through the veil. No regrets.
Ganjjaniiyannia ganjjaniyanniaphoenixdiamond.mp3
Black Hope blackhopemaniac.mp3

Hollow Bush / Peiiste c62
Hollow Bush returns with a triumphant thunder. Blistering devastation from one of America's finest. Peiiste is represented by a brand new, heretofore unreleased track of heavy electronics.
Hollow Bush hollowbushhexneedle.mp3
Peiiste peiistesolarmaximum.mp3

Rusalka / Bast c62
Rusalka brings heavy sci-fi electronics with a crunching propulsion. Bold new track from this Canadian master of noise. Bast brings the unblinking eye of truth.
Rusalka rusalkalifeforcedrained.mp3
Bast bastconstantmemory.mp3

Striations / Reptilian Sexual Predator c62
Gruesome true-crime power electronics from both groups, recorded live. "The fury of orgasmic thrust over the fetishistically destroyed face of beauty, pride and ego revealed."
Striations striationsstatueoflimitations.mp3
RSP reptiliansexualpredatorunabatedbymoralityandtemperedwithpassion.mp3

For those keeping track, here is the full list of releases that were part of the series.

013 Lungwash / Zionist
012 Human Rights Violation / Legless
011 Nervous Corps And Peiiste
010 Vomir / Fun In Latex
009 Vampire Girls / Foul
008 Fatal Apartment / Vat
007 Heel And Mouth And Ulula
006 Nascitari / Varrst
005 Castratoeroticmanoepnuemomaniacal Torso
004 Rusalka / Bast
003 Hollow Bush / Peiiste
002 Striations / Reptilian Sexual Predator
001 Ganjjaniyannia / Black Hope

These and many other releases are available from the Human Ignorance webstore:
After December 21st, they will no longer be available from the Human Ignorance store.
for more information contact Joseph at harshhumanignorance@gmail.com

Thank you.



What Will Happen series now over. Contact artists for copies at this point.
Plenty more to come in 2013 from Human Ignorance, see site for available items etc.
All the best to all of you going into the new year.

new MY GOAT: