Levity "Light A Fire And Hope It Burns" C40

Started by Infirmary, August 23, 2013, 06:59:10 AM

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Levity "Light A Fire And Hope It Burns" C40 $5

Experimental Doom Rock, Drone, And Dark Ethereal Psalms. Spiritual in nature, opposed to the darkness yet reflecting it forever. A hypothetical force opposed to gravity yet bound to it. From the spirit behind Infirmary and Enemata Productions, a new formation takes shape and begins to evolve.
This is Levity's first offering and the Infirmary project that it was born from will retreat back to it's pure form again with less cross-over as it's practitioner now has a proper outlet for the 15 years in life spent playing guitar, bass, writing, and singing. The lyrics deal with life, covered in blood and pursued by shadowy beings, with a multitude of intense romantic memories and loss.
However, the noise still remains and fans of both doom as well as old-school industrial, static, and drifts should not be disappointed.