VULNAVIA - Ulula / new Fun In Latex / Hollow Bush / videos more

Started by vargrwulf, May 13, 2013, 09:35:32 PM

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Spring 2013 Catalog

Vulnavia seeks to bring unconventional harsh electronic and acoustic music for the enjoyment of listeners with selective tastes.
All releases are limited and hand numbered.
All prices are postage paid.
Every order comes with another release (of our choosing), provided free of charge.
All orders are shipped out the following Wednesday from when they are received.
Here is what is currently available. Items will be updated as they appear/disappear from my desk:

BAST cdr 62min48sec (bastcd001) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

Bast is an American Harsh Noise Wall recording artist who uses cassette sounds and radio signals to generate rushing walls of static and noise. Her material is defined by a searching and pulsating energy that creates a strong atmosphere that envelops the room. This release is a brand new live recording that was performed during the new moon, recorded direct to tape, then dubbed and burned to compact disc. Bast is the solo noise project of Vanessa Totenblom (RSP, Peiiste, Fun In Latex, Black Leather Jesus, Are The Volcanoes Still Active?, Viking Movement, etc.) Limited to 13 copies.
sample: bastcd001excerpt1.mp3

FUN IN LATEX - Crybaby cdr 40min00sec (filcd001) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

"Crybaby" was recorded by Fun In Latex for another label initially but never released. Due to this fact it is a bit more abrasive than the releases immediately revious to it ("Huggy Baby" and "Ja Wohl"), while still retaining the basic feel and sonic textures of the previous work. This performance was recorded live using source materials, live amplifiers, and backing tapes immediately before Hurricane Isaac barelled through the Gulf Coast region. Harsh noise with a theme of captivity, comfort, claustrophobia, and the undeniable feeling of being watched from a young age. Limited to 16 copies.
sample: filcd001crybabyexcerpt1.mp3

FUN IN LATEX - Lipstick cdr 33min44sec (filcd002) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd world

Brand new Fun In Latex material recorded live direct to tape earlier this week. Project focuses on containment and gentility in Western Culture, as well as gender discrepancy and transformation. Desire and sentimentality are confused for the purpose of keeping the individual will under control. Sonically a bit more straightforward than some other Fun In Latex recordings, closer in style to a more "traditional" harsh noise wall sound while still retaining the cloudy atmospheric focus of earlier material funnelled through a veil of memory. Limited to 21 copies.
sample: filcd002lipstickapplicationexcerpt.mp3

FUN IN LATEX - Huggy Baby 2cdr 118min07sec (filcd003) $8 ppd USA / $12 ppd World

A reissue of the now out of print double cassette album from Louisiana's Fun In Latex. Fun In Latex seeks to recreate through sound particular images in the mind of captivity and comfort in suburban American upbringing. Using cassette and digital samples, sounds are layered together to create an ambience of an expansive, meditative day care atmosphere that should call to mind the confusion and bewilderment of phosphorecent lighting glaring on pastel walls. At turns playful and haunting, "Huggy Baby" was one of the biggest selling releases on the now defunct Human Ignorance label. Limited to 18 copies.
sample: filcd003sissypartyexcerpt.mp3

HOLLOW BUSH - Perversion Runes cdr 37min20sec (hbcd001) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

Hollow Bush is the callaborative group of Bryan Martin and Rodger Stella (Macronympha, One Dark Eye). Past work from the group has ranged from blistering walls of noise to a free-form collaboration with Alabama avant garde jazz performer Arthur Doyle. Hollow Bush has released a bunch of great tapes and cds on labels like Chocolate Monk, Hanson, and Trash Ritual, and Vulnavia is extremely excited to be releasing this excellent live recording of blistering, paint-peeling harsh electronics captured in 2008 and released here for the first time ever. Limited to 25 copies.
sample: hbcd001perversionrunesexcerpt.mp3

PEIISTE - Fyrfos cdr 51min16sec (peiistecd001) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

Although the output of this Louisiana noise group has been sporadic and varied, it seems that this release finds them zeroing in on a dirty drone/ambient direction that is quite fitting for the project. This release utilizes samples of construction work and live synthesizers to create a womb-like fifty minutes or so of sound reflecting great anxiety and anguish towards the mortal journey. This is the first recording by Peiiste to feature an additional member, Amber Noel Thonn, on synths and vocals. Limited to 13 copies.
sample: peiistecd001sunwheelsexcerpt.mp3

REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR - Racial Segregation Procedure cdr 41min49sec (rspcd001) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

This is a reissue of the first ever cassette put out on the now-defunct Human Ignorance label. Harsh power electronics recorded live in Hammond, Louisiana in the year 2010. A reflection and excorcism of the long history within Tangipahoa Parish of animosity between Caucasian and African American people, stemming from the history of slavery and segregation within the area. In particular this release deals with the topic of the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, reflecting an exploration of the practices and emotions that created the situation in the American Deep South that persists to this day. Limited to 13 copies.
sample: rspcd001wakeupwhitepeopleexcerpt.mp3

(SOLD OUT) REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR - Anticommunion / Nexus 39min11sec (rspcd002)

This cd reissues two cassettes from 2010 released on the Kafkex and Strange Rules labels out of te UK. A bit more reserved compared to earlier material from the group, this release reflects a deeper commitment to composition and arrangement that the group was engaging in at the time (reflected in the recent live performance in Austin, Texas at Sux By Suxwest 3). Contains the track "Komisarjevsky," as well as probably the only Power Electronics cover of Katy Perry's hit song "I Kissed A Girl." "Nexus" is included in its puzzling entirety, an odd piece of ambient entrapment. Limited to 13 copies.
sample: rspcd002komisarjevskyexcerpt.mp3

REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR - Tangipahoa Parish Line 41min44sec (rspcd003) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

Collects together RSP's sides of their two splits with Texas Power Electronics act Streetmeat, as well as tracks from compilations on L. White Records, Danvers State, and an unreleased comp slated to be on Destructive Industries. Includes the group's cover of the Brainbombs' classic single "Anne Frank." Some of the heaviest material released by the group from the recent "recorded direct to tape" era is encoded onto this disc. A brutal and haphazard compilation of difficult to find material from this American Power Electronics export. Limited to 13 copies.
sample: rspcd003deedsnotwordsexcerpt.mp3

(SOLD OUT) REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR - Unabated By Morality And Tempered With Passion 29min13sec (rspcd004) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

This disc presents in its entirety the live session that became the split release with California's Striations on the What Will Happen series of cassettes released by Human Ignorance. Spans some odd genres, as the astute listener can detect a bizarre influence of reggae and trance music on this release. Most of the lyrics and themes of this one reflect the chaos of individuals who have given themselves up to the lower animal insticts, thus separating the tie with the spiritual self to join forces with a larger and more powerful entity. Limited to 13 copies.
sample: rspcd004hamburgerwhorehouseexcerpt.mp3

SLAUGHTER-FETUS - Exterminate All Life / U.S.A. 2cdr 150min43sec (sfcd001) $8 ppd USA / $12 ppd World

Slaughter-Fetus was a four-piece noise group featuring Thomas Mortigan, Leeann Rogers, Vanessa Totenblom, and Joseph Gates. This release collects together for the first time all of the material that was recorded specifically for sale on the group's 2011 tour of the United States, including compilation tracks and the group's cassettes on the Danvers State and Human Ignorance labels. All together, it is two and a half hours of some of the heaviest and most socially deranged harsh noise that you will be likely to hear from the American Bible Belt. Limited to 25 copies.
sample: sfcd001inpublicexcerpt.mp3

ULULA - Looking For An Enemy 47min17sec (ululacd001) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

Brand new recording from this contemplative psych/death-folk project of Vanessa Totenblom (aka Ulula). Dulcimer, live drones, guitar, field recordings, and a haunting voice narrate the passage of the soul as it journeys through life looking for meaning. This release brings together mythological themes and a sense of urgency that shows a powerful songwriting voice. Limited to 18 copies.
sample: ululacd001towerexcerpt.mp3

V/A - What Will Happen cdr 75min15sec (wwhcd001) $6 ppd USA / $8 ppd World

Specially priced compilation/sampler featuring excerpts of tracks from the "What Will Happen" series of split releases on Human Ignorance. Features material from Nervous Corps featuring Peiiste, Vomir, RSP, Rusalka, Legless, Bast, Striations, Lungwash, Heel In Mouth featuring Ulula, Nascitari, Fatal Apartment, Hollow Bush, Foul, Fun In Latex, Human Rights Violation, Vampire Girls, Vat and more. A brain blistering collection of harsh noise and power electronics that will amuse and entertain. Limited to 30 copies.
sample: wwhcd001whatwillhappenexcerpt.mp3

All releases listed are currently available.
Paypal, cash, and money order are accepted. to order or for any questions.
Vulnavia 105 S. Chestnut Street Hammond, LA 70403 United States Of America
Thanks, and all the best to you.



JANE MAST - I Want To Make Love cdr 61min30sec (jmcd001) $7 ppd USA / $10 ppd World

Jane Mast is a solo sensual ambient project from Joseph Gates. These tracks were recorded live during a meditation on sexuality and longing that took place over the course of several weeks. Themes include desire suffocated by the restrictions associated with societal norms, and the desire to break free. This release is dedicated to Mae West. Music for lovers. Limited to 16 copies.
sample: jmcd001spendthenighttogetheriiexcerpt.mp3


sold out of that RSPCD004

Also available:
Here is the newer stuff that has color artwork:

Fun In Latex - "Lipstick" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
Fun In Latex - "Huggy Baby" 2cdr {$8ppd usa/$12 ppd world}
Fun In Latex - "Ja Wohl" 2cdr {$8ppd usa/$12 ppd world}
v/a What Will Happen cdr (has tracks from Lungwash, Rusalka, Vomir, lots more) {$6ppd usa/$8ppd world}

also still available:

Bast cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
Fun In Latex - "Crybaby" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
Hollow Bush - "Perversion Runes" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
Jane Mast - "I Want To Make Love" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
Peiiste - "Fyrfos" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
RSP - "Tangipahoa Parish Line" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
RSP - "Racial Segregation Procedure" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}
Slaughter-Fetus - "Exterminate All Life" 2cdr {$8ppd usa/$12ppd world}
Ulula - "Looking For An Enemy" cdr {$7ppd usa/$10 ppd world}

payable via paypal, cash, or money order
Vulnavia 105 S. Chestnut Street Hammond, LA 70403 United States Of America


Some live videos-
Rodger Stella - Live @ The Saturn Bar in New Orleans 4/26/2013 -
Fun In Latex - Live @ Siberia in New Orleans 5/25/2013 -
Dromez - Live @ Siberia in New Orleans 5/25/2013 -

Blog about our appearance at INC NOLA -