Grant Richardson creates a crushing blend of death industrial, power electronics and noise which shakes the foundations of the genres. Be prepared for chugging synths, bowel-inducing frequencies and attacks on actual industrial materials. Currently one of the top industrial acts in this country, this date is only one stop on a US tour, so please show him some merch love.
http://gnawed.bandcamp.com/http://www.discogs.com/artist/Gnawedhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Gnawed/200162823338158C O M P A C T O R[NYC]
A complex interconnected set of mostly obsolete equipment that is manipulated by its worker under company orders. The detritus of Industrial, Noise, Glitch, and other sonics are crushed into something else. This live shift will be completely different from the recent one at Silent Barn upstairs and use backing video.
http://tiny.cc/compactorvideohttp://www.facebook.com/compactornoiseS W O L L E N O R G A N S