Promising new label Angurosakuson just released this new album of mine, here's the description they wrote:
With albums out on Ilse, Crater Lake Sounds and Phil Todd's Memoirs of an Aesthete, the fifth solo release from Pete Cann sees him in an even more stripped-down mood, a sustained exploration in raw, clunky abrasion, which bubbles, fizzles and burns over a glorious 28 minutes. The mood is never overblown; the emphasis is on control and calculated sparseness. 'Sparse' might make you think of polo-necked computer twiddlers from Deutschland. That it ain't! There is something harsh yet restrained in his bare bones approach, a hollowing out that feels brutal. Minimal elements are combined in total chart-topping combinations, with audio constantly sounding like it could fall apart at any second.
Pete is indebted to the heroic endeavours of our Japanese neighbours (Incapacitants, Hijokaidan etc.) but this is a truly Anglo-Saxon release for its restrained approach to noise elements, its European bent on obscure atmospheres rather than gung-ho technological wizardry. Despite the low-brow aesthetic of Pete's output, and the lack of much in the way of recognizable "music" in the Half an Abortion project, his releases always display a keen sense of composition, embracing lightness of touch and peculiarly pleasurable combinations.I have my artist copies, they are £4 PPD in the UK and £5 PPD elsewhere, professionally duplicated blue tapes. Paypal to pete_cann at hotmail dot co dot uk