Unfortunately, I don't read Finnish at all - which is a pity, since I'd like to have read this article. However, a lot of it seems to be more or less a history of 'industrial' (and related) music. Well, for the first half, anyway (?). There's a link within to an interesting article on ''Apolitiec music: neo-folk, martial industrial and 'matapolitical fascism''', which possibly makes some similar points, but from a (I guess) different perspective.
I must say, I would be broadly sympathetic to neo-folk and what it represents, and I do enjoy the likes of Fire + Ice, Andrew King, Sonne Hagal, and Darkwood quite a lot. However, much of the genre seems musically insubstantial, and more like light relief for a short while. I have completely lost interest in Death in June and Der Blutharsch (though they were hardly ever 'neo-folk' anyway) for a few years now. My finger is not exactly 'on the pulse', I confess, but I do wonder if there's anything worthwhile out there lately that's worth checking out? Or has the whole 'neo-folk' thing peaked?